Armor Of God Vbs Decorations
The Armor of God VBS decorations are a great way to create a fun and inviting atmosphere for your students. You can use these decorations to help teach your students about the importance of putting on the armor of God each day. There are many different ways to decorate for an Armor of God VBS, but here are a few ideas to get you started:
Create a Wall of Shields
One of the most iconic pieces of the armor of God is the shield of faith. You can create a wall of shields by cutting out large circles from cardboard or foam board. Then, have your students decorate the shields with paint, markers, or stickers. Once the shields are dry, you can hang them on the wall or use them as props for your students to hold.
Make Helmet of Salvation Headbands
The helmet of salvation is another important piece of the armor of God. You can make helmet of salvation headbands by cutting out strips of cardboard or foam board. Then, have your students decorate the headbands with paint, markers, or stickers. Once the headbands are dry, you can staple or glue them together to form a helmet shape. Your students can then wear the headbands during VBS to remind them of the importance of protecting their minds from evil.
Construct a Breastplate of Righteousness
The breastplate of righteousness is a vital piece of the armor of God that protects the heart. You can make a breastplate of righteousness by cutting out a large piece of cardboard or foam board. Then, have your students decorate the breastplate with paint, markers, or stickers. Once the breastplate is dry, you can use ribbon or string to tie it around your students' necks.
Craft a Belt of Truth
The belt of truth is another important piece of the armor of God that holds everything together. You can make a belt of truth by cutting out a long strip of cardboard or foam board. Then, have your students decorate the belt with paint, markers, or stickers. Once the belt is dry, you can use Velcro or tape to fasten it around your students' waists.
Create Leg Guards of Peace
The leg guards of peace protect the legs from harm. You can make leg guards of peace by cutting out two large rectangles from cardboard or foam board. Then, have your students decorate the leg guards with paint, markers, or stickers. Once the leg guards are dry, you can use ribbon or string to tie them around your students' legs.
Make a Sword of the Spirit
The sword of the Spirit is the only offensive weapon in the armor of God. It is used to fight against the devil and his evil forces. You can make a sword of the Spirit by cutting out a long, thin piece of cardboard or foam board. Then, have your students decorate the sword with paint, markers, or stickers. Once the sword is dry, you can use tape or glue to attach a handle to it.
These are just a few ideas for Armor of God VBS decorations. You can use your creativity to come up with even more ideas. The most important thing is to create a fun and inviting atmosphere for your students so that they can learn about the importance of putting on the armor of God each day.

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